Low libido - Renew Hormone Clinic

What is low libido?

Low libido, or a decreased sex drive, is when someone experiences a lower interest in or desire for sexual activity than they used to in the past or compared to their partner. There are many potential causes of low libido, including:

Hormonal changes: Low testosterone levels in men and low estrogen and progesterone levels in women can contribute to low libido. Certain medical conditions or medications may also impact hormone levels.

Psychological factors: Things like stress, anxiety, depression, body image issues, relationship problems, or a history of trauma or sexual dysfunction can result in low sex drive.

Physical factors: Many health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, neuropathy, or arteriosclerosis can get in the way of arousal or sexual response, dampening libido over time. Chronic pain, fatigue, poor sleep, and some prescription medications can also inhibit sex drive.

Aging: For some, especially women, libido may naturally decrease slightly with aging as hormone levels decline. But low libido is not an inevitable result of getting older.

The good news is low libido often can be improved through lifestyle changes, stress reduction techniques, counseling/sex therapy, hormone treatments, adjustments to certain medications, or treating any underlying medical issues.

If you've noticed a persistent decrease in desire that is worrying you or impacting your relationship, I encourage you to make an appointment with your healthcare provider or a specialist like the caring medical team at Renew Hormone Clinic. They can help you get to the root cause and determine the best course of treatment to help restore your sex drive and intimacy. You deserve to feel like your enthusiastic, passionate self again when it comes to sex and connection with your partner. Reach out today to learn about science-based hormone optimization plans and cutting-edge therapies to reignite your inner fire.

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